The Groundhog’s Nonexistence
Written on February 14th, 2021 by Ethan Zhang
Today, I am supposed to die again, for the seventh time. My life has been uneventful, just a typical adolescent and adult life, becoming a website developer. That was until a couple of weeks ago. Two weeks ago I should have been killed in a car accident. Should have. I say two weeks loosely since I’ve relived the same weekend seven times over, hence, two weeks. I suppose I should start from the beginning.
As previously mentioned 2 weeks ago, on Sunday I was hit by a car on a busy street of my city. However, on impact, the world blackened and I awoke in my bed. When I awoke it was 8:00 AM on Saturday, in other words when I died, time reset. Then I lived to Sunday again, and the only difference in the story was that I was shot by a stray bullet instead of a car. This repeated itself until I had died seven times, each by a different means.
By the seventh time I died, I realized I was stuck in a time loop. I think this was a mistake in the system, especially since as I died, the world malformed into a block of black-and-white codes, none of which were familiar despite my extensive website and coding training. This was when I also realized that I didn’t actually exist. I mean, how could anyone just see a wall of code through “reality?” I mean after I found out about the time loop and my nonexistence, I guess my creators tried to erase my memory but clearly erased the wrong things as I still remember the facts. As to not forget the terrifying reality of my situation, I wrote some things down on notes and placed them around the house, but the next day, they are always blank and empty from when my creators erase them.
My creators are getting desperate now. They know I know and they have been experimenting by deleting random things, at one point my reality was almost entirely erased, except for the memory of my predicament and my body, nothing else. Eventually, I figured out how to move again, but this was how I knew my creators were desperate. Even now, I know they are desperate, and the pain is becoming unbearable. Yet still, nothing they do seems to affect me, and the pain. I don’t know when this will all be over, but please, if you read this, delete the file below. I don’t know if it will work but I have to try and end myself, once and for all, to stop the pain and suffering.
FILE.CHR.SELF_AWARE_BETA PROJECT_10.1.3.1</a> </p> </body> </html>